
Expert Retirement Planning Advice for Australians

It's never too early to start preparing for your retirement. Ensuring you can live out retirement on your terms takes careful planning. Get financial planner advice that will help you to achieve this by learning more about the lifestyle you want to maintain and mapping out a strategy to optimise your assets and make this a reality.

How to Start Planning for Retirement Today

Financial Advice for Women

Are you in the process of planning for your life after retirement? Check out this retirement planning checklist and learn how you can get started:

1. Start your retirement plan.

The first step in the transition to retirement can feel intimidating. So how do you start your retirement plan? The journey to a secure retirement starts with a well-structured plan tailored to your unique goals. This is your opportunity to spend some time establishing clear and achievable goals. What do you want your retirement to look like? How will you spend your days in this phase of your life? What are your 'nice to haves' and what are your 'non-negotiables'? Defining these objectives provides the foundation upon which your entire retirement plan will be built.

2. Consider your current lifestyle and priorities.

Now you've started planning, ask how this new lifestyle compares with things right now? Comparing your desired retirement lifestyle and financial needs against your current situation is a healthy way to understand any required changes in your priorities. This will help you to be better prepared and confirm that your retirement ambitions are realistic.

3. Get clear on your expenses.

Confidence in retirment comes from the knowledge that you have enough money to comfortably fund all expenses - both now and in the future. If you haven't already, compile a budget which determines your expenses. Be exhaustive in this process - as we are likely modelling these expenses fo many years and small inaccuracies now will create loarge inaccuracies over your retirement lifetime. If you'd like a copy of the comprehensive budget planner we offer to our members, click here (link needed).Once you've confirmed your expenses today, start adjusting these numbers in line with your retirement plan. Perhaps you need to add a higher figure in the travel section, or reduce your public transport budget now you won't be commuting to the office each day?

4. Work out your retirement income and living costs.

To ensure a stable retirement income, calculate your anticipated retirement income options precisely, taking into account all potential sources including rental income, dividends, pension or interest payments. Pay particular attention to whether your expected income is sufficient to meet the retirement expenses you've just calculated.

5. Grow your income.

If your income does not match up with your ongoing expenses, we need to assess whether your retirement assets including superannuation are optimally set up to support this need. It can be beneficial to get financial advice here, but if going solo, examine all strategies available and carefully select those that best suit your financial goals to enhance your regular income and reinforce your overall financial stability for the future.

6. Pay off your debt.

Retirement debt is a drain on the income you've worked so hard to establish. Effectively managing and reducing your debts is essential for a stress-free retirement. It can be hard to know whether to clear or maintain debt as a retiree - especially when that debt relates to an income producing asset such as an investment property. Our advice will help you navigate this process, ensuring financial security during your retirement years.

7. Make an estate plan

Secure your legacy by creating a comprehensive estate plan that ensures your assets are distributed according to your wishes, and meeting all legal requirements. This process can have the added benefit of simplifying a difficult process for your spouse or beneficiaries, at a time where they are mourning.

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What We Do


Strategic Financial Advice

Retirement planning advice, boosting your savings account, to purchasing a property— we'll advise where you want us to. That way, you're able to give your financial future the best chance of success.


Investment Management

While it can be profitable, building a portfolio of assets can be daunting. Northeast Wealth can provide guided expertise, tools, and recommendations on how to increase your income, save it, and then get the best return from your money.


Tax Minimisation

Understanding your tax obligations can take time, focus, and effort. We can help you navigate through and manage your tax responsibilities and minimise and control your expenses.


Superannuation & SMSF

No matter your retirement strategy or super balance, Northeast Wealth can provide tailored and practical financial advice to maximise your retirement savings.


Personal & Business Insurance

As a business owner, you know protecting your assets is a priority. Northeast Wealth can help you implement the right insurance and protection to preserve your most valuable assets.


Cash Flow Management

With the rising cost of living, everyone can benefit by learning practical cash flow and other budgeting and management skills. Our experienced team can pass on incredible money management and budget and skills that you'll use for years to come.


Financial Behavioral Coaching

Need a little help getting your finances and life back on track? Northeast Wealth can equip you with the skills to unlock your full potential with money and relationship management tools.


Debt Reduction Service

Don't let debt hold you back from achieving your financial goals. The passionate financial coaching team at Northeast Wealth can create a debt reduction plan to help you kick debt to the curb once and for all.


Asset Structuring

Know your assets, home, and investments are protected against potential risk by enlisting the help of Northeast Wealth. We can prepare documents and contracts that keep your assets and finances secure.


Employer Share Schemes

Receiving employer share scheme entitlements can be extremely lucrative, but also comes with challenges in the form of higher tax, investment and often currency exposure, and illiquid assets. We can take the worry out of your ESS by giving you clarity and helping you to better manage this (hopefully!) growing asset.


Financial Project Management

If you're looking to take some big steps in your finances, the team at Northeast Wealth are able to surround you with a team of great professionals including mortgage brokers, accountants, estate planners, and buyers agents. We don't receive anything for these introductions to ensure there's no conflict of interest.

Start your journey with us today.

Get your finances back on track, get to where you want to be and make the most of the journey along the way. Book a chat with Northeast Wealth today and discover how rewarding financial planning can be with the right help.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I start planning for retirement today?

The journey to a secure retirement begins with a well-structured plan tailored to your unique goals. Start by defining your retirement objectives and aspirations, providing the foundation for your entire retirement plan.

What factors should I consider in retirement planning?

Consider your current lifestyle, financial situation, desired retirement lifestyle, and prioritize accordingly. Accurately calculate your expected retirement income and living expenses to create a roadmap that aligns your financial resources with your future aspirations.

How much income can I expect from my superannuation?

Your superannuation income depends on your contributions, investment returns, and chosen retirement income stream. You can use superannuation calculators to estimate potential income from your super account.

Is it essential to address debts in retirement planning?

Yes, addressing debts is crucial for stress-free retirement planning. Our team will guide you in managing and reducing your debt effectively.

What are age pension payments?

Age pension payments are government-provided financial assistance for eligible retirees, including the account-based pension. These payments aim to support seniors in maintaining a reasonable standard of living during their retirement years.

What are some common retirement planning strategies?

Common strategies include setting clear retirement goals, creating a budget, maximizing your super fund, investing wisely, diversifying your portfolio, reducing debt, and considering downsizing.

How can I increase my retirement income?

In Australia, bolstering retirement income hinges largely on effective management of superannuation. Individuals can maximise their retirement savings by taking advantage of both concessional and non-concessional contributions, often through salary sacrificing.

Beyond superannuation, diversification in assets like real estate and dividend-paying shares is key. Investing in properties can yield rental income, while stable Australian companies might offer consistent dividends.

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How a Transition to Retirement Pension Works

A TTR or Transition to Retirement allows you to access your super while continuing to work. Read through so you can confidently navigate your retirement options.


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How a Transition to Retirement Pension Works



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